Free After Effects presets & projects
These projects are free to modify for personnal or commercial use. Some images shared might come from a random google search and not include credits, sorry about that. If you have problems on opening those projects, try updating your plugins. You might also need to deactivate some adjustment layers using plugins/custom effects.
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Stardust, 3D model, auxiliary particles.
Stardust, obj sequence, physics engine.
Particular Fire test
Trapcode Particular, Vector blur.
Particular Shading study
Trapcode Particular, motion path, glow.
Particle explosion
Trapcode Particular, text emitter.
Trapcode Particular city
Trapcode Particular, obj model.
Semi Permanent Remake
Trapcode Form, heavy project.
Paint Explosion
Trapcode Particular, Form.
Space Travel
Trapcode Particular, Form, Universe Chromatic Blur.
Rain Template
Particle World, lots of other stuff, complex preset !
Tao writing
Trapcode Tao.
Trapcode Particular, Form, Mir.
Trapcode Particular, Element 3D.
Rain normal map
A tileable normal+specular map in DNxHD.
Playground City
Trapcode Mir, Form.
Trapcode Particular.
Freeform, Trapcode Form.
Mir Soundkeys
Trapcode Mir, Particular, Form, Soundkeys.
Mir Landscape
Trapcode Mir.
Trapcode Tao, Element3D.
Trapcode Particular, Mir, Form.
Glitch particles
Trapcode Particular, Lux.
Trapcode Particular, Lux.
Trapcode Particular, custom sprites, Knoll Flare.
E3D abstract
Element 3D, Trapcode Form.
E3D cloner
Element 3D, Trapcode Shine.
Freeform world
Freeform Pro, Trapcode Form.
Freeform channel5
Freeform Pro.
Generative text
Trapcode Particular.
Trapcode Particular, Trapcode Lux.
Mir Planet
Trapcode Mir, Knoll Light
Trapcode Form, Particular